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Liz Ryan Receives Recommendations from DFJ Transformative Justice Fellows

In a significant step towards eliminating fees and fines in the juvenile justice system, a group of Debt Free Justice (DFJ) advocates and Fellows...
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Investing in Second Chances for Returning Citizens

Every year, millions of individuals are released from incarceration and rejoin society. However, their challenges in rebuilding their lives and...
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Progeny Speaks Out: Kansas' Youth Justice System Set Up for Failure

Progeny, one of our Debt Free Justice partners in the criminal justice reform movement, has been making waves in the news lately. In this Kansas...
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DOJ Tells Local Courts to Cut Fines, Advocacy Groups Celebrate

Washington, D.C. (April 20, 2023) – Youth advocacy groups today celebrated the release of a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) “Dear Colleague” letter...
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Announcing the 2023 DFJ Transformative Justice Fellows

Debt Free Justice Announces 2023 Transformative Justice Fellows Oakland, CA - Debt Free Justice is pleased to announce the selection of six fellows...
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Washtenaw County Officials Want to Reform Monetary Penalties

WASHTENAW COUNTY, MI - Washtenaw County doesn’t want to fund its justice system through fines and fees that can potentially spell financial ruin for...
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New York Times Article About New Report on Reimagining Juvenile Restitution

A new report asserts that ordering juvenile offenders to pay compensation to their victims often derails their lives, and victims’ rights groups see...
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Bipartisan Bill Introduced in PA Senate to End Juvenile Fees and Fines

Harrisburg, PA (May 24, 2022) – Last week, Pennsylvania Senators Yaw (R) and Cappelletti (D) introduced a bill that would end the harmful practice of...