Illustration of diverse individuals

Advocacy Tools

Our tools are built upon the lived experiences of those affected by fees and fines and the research that tracks the negative impacts families face. Use these resources to help pass laws and change policy in your state.

We all have the power to make a direct impact on youth and their families.

The Debt Free Justice campaign provides resources for advocates working at the local, state and federal levels to abolish youth fees and fines. Here you'll find research, sample litigation, outreach assistance, legal expertise and more.

Contribute To Our Resource Bank

Do you have resources that other advocates would find useful? When you make an account, you can easily submit resources to appear in our collection.

Portrait of Marcus Jarvis

Advocate With Stories

Stories can change a system. Learn about the experiences of system-impacted youth, their families, and advocates working this unjust practice.

Your Story Can Make Change

With your expertise, and our expertise, we can build a community that's loud enough to shake the room.